How to Use NitroCycle
What does Nitrocycle do? Ammonia and nitrite are toxic biological waste products that can rapidly accumulate in recirculating aquarium systems. These toxins naturally convert to less harmful nitrate by the activity of nitrifying bacteria. In what is ...
As you probably know, cycling a new aquarium can take weeks or even months. For new hobbyists, this can be discouraging because you want to add corals or fish as soon as possible. It is frustrating for even those that have been in the hobby for a ...
Aquarium organisms from protozoa to fishes release ammonia into the water as a metabolic waste product which is highly toxic to marinelife. Thankfully, the natural world (and most aquaria) contain only trace quantities of the substance due to the ...
PNS Yello Sno
PNS YelloSno is a unique product that simulates marine snow. In the ocean, a variety of different organic materials wash together and then sink due to mucilage from microbes. All of the organic material, such as animal feces, coral mucus, or dead ...
PNS ProBio
PNS ProBio - What is it? PNS ProBio™ contains R. palustris, a beneficial, naturally-occurring microbacteria, which is one of the oldest strain of Purple Nonsulfur Bacteria (PNB). It is found in freshwater, marine and brackish environments (in the ...
The Nitrogen Cycle
One of the most discussed topics in the saltwater aquarium hobby, especially with beginners, is the "nitrogen cycle". The nitrogen cycle is a naturally occurring phenomenon where nitrogen is turned into several different chemical make-ups as it finds ...
Do I Need to Use TurboStart if My System is Already Cycled?
Ammonia and nitrite--toxic metabolites that can accumulate in recirculating aquarium systems are probably responsible for more fish mortality than anything else including parasitic infestations. We tend to see concentrations of these compounds at ...
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How do I Acclimate my Copepods?
Hobbyists are often told to carefully acclimate new additions to their aquarium. Fish and inverts such as snails and shrimp need to be acclimate (corals do not), but what about copepods? Are you supposed to drip acclimate them or float them? Do they ...
Will my filtration / pumps kill the Copepods?
A lot of hobbyists, especially those with a mandarin or other finicky fish, find themselves concerned that their pumps or filtration system will kill copepods, causing a smaller population. Is this something you should be worried about, or is it ...
How do I store copepods?
While we strongly encourage you to introduce all of your copepods into your system when you acquire them as this will be a healthier option than storing, we understand sometimes the circumstances may not allow that and so in this article we'll be ...
Are Copepods a Good Sign?
There are tons of little critters and creatures that can make their way into your aquarium. Some are good, others are neutral, and some are very bad. Some will help keep your aquarium clean, while others will feast on your corals. It can be hard to ...
Why is My Chaeto Brittle or Crumbling?
Growing macroalgae in your aquarium as part of your filtration system can prove to be very beneficial. Macroalgae such as chaeto can help with nutrient export, gas exchange, providing a habitat for copepods, and cleaning the water of harmful ...