Red Mangroves
How to Acclimate Red Mangroves (Rhizophora mangle) to Brackish or Saltwater Conditions
Red mangroves, with their distinctive aerial roots and vibrant green leaves, are remarkable plants that thrive in brackish and saltwater environments. While they can survive in freshwater for short periods, they require gradual acclimation to ...
What is the Best Macroalgae for a Refugium?
If you’ve decided to install a refugium in your reef aquarium system, you may have just made the best decision you’ll ever make as an aquarist. But now you have another important decision to make: What kind of macroalgae to keep in it? Which ...
Why is my Macroalgae not Growing?
Harnessing the power of macroalgae to defeat annoying film algae or hair algae is a common occurrence in the marine aquarium hobby. All kinds of algae have similar needs: lots of light and nutrients. Because of this, macroalgae can compete with ...
Why is My Chaeto Brittle or Crumbling?
Growing macroalgae in your aquarium as part of your filtration system can prove to be very beneficial. Macroalgae such as chaeto can help with nutrient export, gas exchange, providing a habitat for copepods, and cleaning the water of harmful ...
How do I Acclimate my Macroalgae?
For a lot of hobbyists, macroalgae is a critical part of their reef aquarium filtration. Macroalgae serves many purposes, such as removing nutrients from the water, competing with pest algae, providing a habitat for copepods, and becoming a ...
Can I Put Chaeto in My Display Tank?
The prolific green algae Chaetomorpha spp. has become one of the most widely used “macros” by saltwater aquarists. Generally, it is maintained in large clumps within a specially set up refugium. In some other cases, it is kept in so-called algae ...
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How do I Acclimate my Copepods?
Hobbyists are often told to carefully acclimate new additions to their aquarium. Fish and inverts such as snails and shrimp need to be acclimate (corals do not), but what about copepods? Are you supposed to drip acclimate them or float them? Do they ...
Will my filtration / pumps kill the Copepods?
A lot of hobbyists, especially those with a mandarin or other finicky fish, find themselves concerned that their pumps or filtration system will kill copepods, causing a smaller population. Is this something you should be worried about, or is it ...
How do I store copepods?
While we strongly encourage you to introduce all of your copepods into your system when you acquire them as this will be a healthier option than storing, we understand sometimes the circumstances may not allow that and so in this article we'll be ...
Are Copepods a Good Sign?
There are tons of little critters and creatures that can make their way into your aquarium. Some are good, others are neutral, and some are very bad. Some will help keep your aquarium clean, while others will feast on your corals. It can be hard to ...
Why is My Chaeto Brittle or Crumbling?
Growing macroalgae in your aquarium as part of your filtration system can prove to be very beneficial. Macroalgae such as chaeto can help with nutrient export, gas exchange, providing a habitat for copepods, and cleaning the water of harmful ...