My tank is overrun with green hair algae, what can I add to help?

My tank is overrun with green hair algae, what can I add to help?

​Both Tuxedo and Pincushion urchins are excellent solutions for green hair algae problems. Tuxedo urchins, in particular, add a vibrant splash of color to your tank, with varieties available in stunning shades of red or blue. They are slightly more challenging to keep than Pincushion urchins, but the additional effort is worth it for their vivid hues and fascinating behavior.

The sight of a Tuxedo urchin moving around the tank with its multitude of tube feet is mesmerizing and adds a unique dynamic to your aquarium. It's important to note, however, that both types of urchins are known to occasionally pick up non-glued down coral frags and "wear" them like a hat. As such, we advise that all coral frags are properly secured to prevent any unintentional displacements.

Regardless of their differences, both Tuxedo and Pincushion urchins are efficient at keeping green hair algae in check and make excellent additions to most saltwater aquariums.
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