

OceanMagik Live Phytoplankton Blend


Phytoplankton is a major part in ocean ecosystems, so it should be a major part in your aquarium as well. The number one goal for reef hobbyists should be to make the aquarium as similar to the ocean as possible. Adding phytoplankton is a fantastic way you can do exactly that. 
There are several different phytoplankton products available to the reef aquarium hobby, but OceanMagik from AlgaeBarn is particularly useful because of the four species blend. More biodiversity is always better because it allows for balance and stability. What is great about OceanMagik is that each of the different phytoplankton species serve a separate purpose. They are like a team working together to make your aquarium flourish
Nannochloropsis garditana or "Nano" for short helps remove ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. This is extremally beneficial for those with a maxed out bio load. Tetraselmis sp or "Tet" serves as a food source for the aquarium. This phytoplankton species will feed your corals, making them appear fuller and more colorful. Isochrysis galbana or "Iso" for short helps to feed zooplankton and copepods. This is useful for those that are trying to maintain a copepods population, especially if you have a finicky fish. Along with that, Iso will improve coloration and resilience of the marine life in your aquarium. Lastly, Thalassiosira weissflogii or "Thal" competes with dinoflagellates by consuming silicates. Essentially, this algae will prevent or remove dinoflagellates from your aquarium.
Many hobbyist report that OceanMagik works amazingly for solving several different problems. Some say that they have tried several other phytoplankton products but claim none work as well as OceanMagik. This is because of the four species blend. All four species will help fight back algae by competing with it for phosphates and nutrients. This is not just some green liquid you are pouring in your aquarium because it might show results. It will show results. It is a tried and proved solution to several problems. Even if you aren't having any related problems, dosing phytoplankton will significantly help to prevent these issues from arising.
Another great thing about OceanMagik is the bottle. No, the bottle doesn't make the phytoplankton itself better, but it makes it easier to dose and measure. The double-neck bottle makes dosing the perfect amount easy and simple. 

What are the benefits?
The amount of benefits of Phytoplankton goes on. This stuff really is that awesome!

The fatty acids produced during fast healthy phytoplankton growth are very beneficial and critical to the health of many marine organisms.
Phytoplankton are incredibly important to the aquatic food chain. They utilize nutrients in the water along with carbon dioxide to reproduce, and in the process, create essential fatty acids critical to the health and development of most marine organisms.

Phytoplankton will utilize nitrates and phosphates, iron and other trace elements in order to produce proteins and essential fatty acids. The phytoplankton in turn are consumed by copepods (and other filter feeders) and thus will pass these essential fatty acids along to fish and other predators.

You will find that copepod (and brine shrimp) larvae fed phytoplankton will develop better, with less mortalities and deformities than larvae offered alternative food sources which will be deficient in the fatty acids phytoplankton provides. 

Another important note is that it has also been observed that many corals consume phytoplankton! Phytoplankton will enhance the coloration and fullness of your corals. Depending on the coral, it is also possible that phytoplankton will promote faster growth. Who doesn't want that?

Live phytoplankton are used in aquaculture to absorb and bind heavy metals. In this case the use of live phytoplankton will clean the water and lead to healthier corals and fish even if it is not used as a food source directly.  Live Phytoplankton will also remove nitrates and phosphates, consume carbon dioxide (stabilize pH) and oxygenate the water during the day part of the light cycle.

In short, with consistent, predictable use of phytoplankton there will be more aquatic bug life; better aquatic bug life means more food for corals and fish. This also makes the aquarium more stable by creating more biodiversity. Remember, more biodiversity is always better and an important thing to create, though it is often overlooked!

How To Use OceanMagik

It is suggested to daily dose 5mL of OceanMagik Live Phytoplankton for every 20 gallons of tank water in your system for the first two weeks. That will help your system get used to living Phytoplankton being introduced and after two weeks you can adjust the amount up or down as necessary. We like to dose OceanMagik every day when we feed our fish for convenience, and the small phytoplankton is not actively sought after by the fish. There is no need to acclimate OceanMagik before dosing to your aquarium.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the recommended dosing for OceanMagik?
Recommended dosage is 5ml/20 gallons daily.
How do I store OceanMagik?
OceanMagik is best stored in a refrigerator that is set between (34F-40F). We recommend shaking the bottle every day before usage.
What is the shelf life of OceanMagik?
OceanMagik has a best by date of approximately 4 weeks.
How will I know if my OceanMagik has spoiled?
OceanMagik will naturally have a light odor to it, but if you find the smell to be foul like "rotten broccoli" then the product has spoiled.
What are the benefits of OceanMagik?
OceanMagik is the best food source for copepods as well as acting as a food source for many corals.  It also aides in controlling nuisance algae, including dinoflagellates, as it will outcompete them for resources.
Can  I start a phytoplankton culture with Oceanmagik?
Yes, you can.  However keep in mind that that one species will typically outcompete the others and become dominant in the culture.  We suggest that you find a source of single species and clean cultures if you wish to culture phytoplankton (algaes).  We do not sell live algae starter cultures.

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